Speech Center & Hearing
Speech-language therapy is the treatment for children with speech and/or language disorders and develops their speech and language process. A speech disorder refers to a problem with the actual production of sounds, whereas a language disorder refers to a difficulty understanding or putting words together to communicate ideas. Integrating all aspects of speech and language development such as receptive and expressive language, articulation, respiration and fluency, we have designed a various structured educational programmes to help the children overcome the difficulties involved with a specific disorder.
Speech Problem
Identification of children with speech or language impairment.
Diagnosis and appraisal.
Referral for medical or other professional attention.
Provision of speech and language services for the habilitation and prevention of communicative problems.
Counseling and guidance of Parents, Children and Teachers regarding speech and language impairments.
Hearing Problem
Speech & Language Therapy is given to anyone who may not be Speaking Clearly, Repeating certain sounds or words, Speech delay in children, Voice disorder, Problem in communication after an accident, etc.
Speech & Hearing Center
1, Church Street,
Tirunelveli – 627 002,
Tamilnadu, South India.
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